No one can define justice. There
is no standard in which justice can be determined. One’s mind cannot be the
standard for the morals, because everyone has different opinions. It cannot be
based on the law, because it is corrupt. Democracy does not work, because it is
made up of opinions of people. What is justice? It is what is right and wrong.
But what is right and wrong? What is right? What is wrong? Is doing what your
authority (teachers, parents, and the government. Yes. Parents in particular)
tells you to do the right thing to do? Is disobeying the authority the wrong
thing to do? Can your mind decide what is right or wrong? Yes, it can. However,
it would only be right to you. To some extent, it would be right to many other
people’s mind, but it cannot be right to everyone’s mind. Finding the standard
in which everyone can agree on is a problem the humanity has to solve, and
there is no certain that this standard will ever be set. Many forms of
government have been invented and disappeared. Fascism is one of the forms that
disappeared. Majority of the world believes in democracy, and so far, I think
that the democracy is the best government form that has ever been invented.
Although one’s mind cannot be considered to be the standard of moral, minds of
many can be at least be considered close to being the standard of moral since
the majority agrees with it. The mind of the majority would result in less
criticism, and majority will agree on the subject.

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