Monday 26 August 2013

Seven Deadly Sins

The seven deadly sins are wrath, greed, sloth, pride, envy, lust, and gluttony. I probably am guilty of all of the following, but I think I’m most guilty of gluttony. When I think of gluttony, it gives me an image of a fat person greedily plunging for food. I’m not this extreme, but I think that I really eat over the amount that I should consume.
               When I go to a buffet, I first get excited by the smell of the delicious food and then the sight of them. My blood rushes through at the feeling of enjoyment, and my mouth starts to water. As I grab my first plate of food, my eyes start wandering looking for the food that would suit my taste. Most of the time, it’s my instinct. Just by reading its name or looking at it, my instinct would tell me if I would like the food or not. I don’t depend much on the food’s visual, but I cannot say that I do not look at it at all. I take little amount of various kinds of food for the first time. In the second time, I take the foods that I really enjoyed from the first plate. Then I shift from main dish to desserts. This is the part I am most guilty of gluttony. Usually I take three dishes full of dessert and divulge them as soon as I get them. Then I start to slow down my eating pace. Then I go to get my one last plate, or sometimes even tw

o, to finish my meal. When I go to a buffet, I tend to eat more than my stomach can hold. By the time I finish my first dish of desserts, I get full but I don’t stop here. Allured by the smell and sight of the desserts, I stuff two or more dishes of them into my stomach. Then I reach the point where I even feel uncomfortable standing up because I ate too much. I am a greedy for sure, but my greed over food is something I cannot control.
               This not only happens in buffets. Every day, I consume more than necessary. If there is something inside the refrigerator that I really want to eat even though I finish a meal right before or still feel full from the meal. This is a desire that I cannot control. My hands unconsciously reach towards the food and by the time I snap back into reality, the food is long gone already. This repeats every day. Even though there is no food that I can eat right at the moment the desire urges me, I would commit gluttony by substituting it with another food or actually spending time to make it. Sometimes, I would crave for bread (although it’s more like my every day craving) in the morning and actually wake up earlier than usual to bake muffins or cupcakes to satisfy my desire. But the thing is that I bake more than enough, and the important part of this is that I finish everything at one sitting. I just can’t stand foods being left over, and I think that this is one of the factors that really contributed to my gluttony.

               If only I could stop it by my own will. I tried to control it once. It was two weeks before prom, and my dress would not fit because I gained weight after I made alteration for my dress. I went on a diet and refused to eat any fatty food for the two weeks. I even refused to eat bread, something that I would eat anytime anywhere and I did succeed in losing enough weight in the end. But right after prom, I went back to my habits over over-consuming. Now, I realize that it’s something that I cannot suppress by my own will. I think the only way to stop from committing more of these would be just to avoid wherever there is food, and this is almost impossible because food is everywhere.

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