Wednesday 14 August 2013

What is Love?

Love is war. It’s a constant battle between mind and heart. This is what my friends always say, and I mean the ones who had girlfriends or boyfriends before. I never experienced it myself, so I don’t know if this is true. If I actually experienced it, I could have provided a much detailed description about this metaphor. But since I didn’t, I will base this post on the stories my friends told me.
               Not all of my friends’ parents approved their relationship, and this was the first battle they fought. Because their parents disapproved it, their minds told them to follow what their parents told them. Their heart was telling them the very opposite thing. The heart told them to follow your feelings and ignore what they say. In the end, everyone chose the same thing. The heart. No matter how forceful their parents were, all of my friends chose heart over their mind and continued on with their relationship. Later, their parents eventually gave up and approved their relationships. Many people are influenced by mind and other people around them when it comes to making decisions. However, I think that feeling overrules both of them when it comes to love just like how pathos, the emotional appeal, gives a greater impact on the readers in a book more than ethos, personal appeal, or logos, the logical appeal.
               Love does not only involve conflicts with your parents. The major conflicts happen between the people actually in the relationship. The first stage, as all of my friends say, is just the lovey dovey stage. They rarely fight with their girlfriends or boyfriends, and they say that this is a stage where they are blind about each other not noticing the faults of the others. The fighting starts as these faults start

to reveal themselves or rather as the blindness goes away. Some fight over little stuffs like how frequent they text each other. I’ve seen them go through many of these and every time their emotions take them over. When they make up with each other, they seem so happy as if nothing bad had happened to them.
 For me, the feeling love is a very familiar yet a very unpredictable one. I’ve received love from my families and friends, but my friends told me that the kind of love you experience in relationships are totally different.  From the stories I heard from them, I definitely think that they are different. But I wonder if they are totally different from each other. I think the fastest and the surest way to get an answer to this question is to actually experience it myself .But since I did not, I do not know the answer to this question just yet.

My friends say love is tiring, yet they continue to seek and sustain love. Why would anyone want to continue something that is tiring? I think this is because the feeling of love is so great that it overcomes the sense of tiredness. Even though love is something they really abhor at certain points, they are so attracted to this feeling that they can’t be away from this feeling. Maybe it’s a sense of familiarity. Maybe it’s because they are so used to this feeling that they feel empty if their lover is gone although they had numerous fights with them. I’ve seen many of my friends who break up with their girlfriends or boyfriends and say they are never going to be in relationship again go out with someone else. They are surely aware of the fact that fighting between them is inevitable but they still repeat the same process over and over again. Love makes me curious. How great is this love that it makes people want this although it’s painful? Why do people continuously go back to war just to seek love? This is definitely something I do not understand completely. But who knows? I might be in a war too.

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