Children these days seem to be
more spoiled than our generation or our parents’ generation. As the world
advanced, the standard of living improved. Children in this generation enjoy
the prosperity our parents’ generation has built and seem to do no hard work,
or at least do the things that they can manage on their own. Parents these days
do everything for their children. Even before the children ask them a favor,
they will just do it for them. This spoils the children. When I was young, I was
supposed to ask when I wanted something. My parents were strict, so they did
not do everything for me even though I begged and pleaded with them. Now, I
think this is totally different. When I went to Korea 3 years ago, I often went
to nearby malls to go shopping. During the weekdays, the malls were little bit
less crowded but still there were kids running around the mall. They were
screaming and running around playing hide and go seek. When I went near the toy
section, there kids lying on the floor crying for minutes begging their parents
to buy them toys even when they had a lot in their homes already. There has
never been a day where I could shop peacefully. Even in food court, there were
kids complaining and whining that they did not want to eat. It was just a

When I have a child, I am going to first teach them basic manner. I
think that behavior is what matters the most now, because there are so many
kids who are disrespectful and disobedient. I’m going to teach them about
filial piety and how they should respect elders. I’m also going to make them do
things by themselves to grow independence. Of course I’m not going to force
them to wash dishes when they are 1 but I’m going to make them learn how to do
simple stuffs like organizing their shoes after coming back home. I think that
childhood habits are really important. It is very hard and challenging to teach
them how to have good manners, because they become rebellious and more
forceful. I’m also going to teach them table manners.
I’m also going to teach them how to communicate with others. Some
people do not know how to socialize because they are not used interacting with
other people. So I’m going to take my child to my friend’s place often so she
can be comfortable with socializing.
Studying wise I’m not going to force her to study like a dog, but I’m
going to ask her to try her best. I was forced to study. I was sent to be
tutored until late at night, and even when I wanted free time, I was forced by
my parents and teachers to study. If I did not do well in school, my mom got
mad at me. It seemed as if it was the most important thing to her. I do not
want my kid to be under the same pressure I was in. I want to give my kid
liberty as long as she did her work and my kid felt satisfied under the
condition that he or she tried the best. I want my kid to be different from others.
I want my kid to have his or her own opinion and be able to assert it. I want
my kid to have confidence.
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