definitely think that SIS should allow cell phone uses. Cell phones have
assimilated into our life, and some people uncomfortable or even nervous
without their cell phones next to them. This only applies to some people, but the assimilation of
cell phones proves their usefulness and importance in our lives. Cell phone is
a mean of communication. We students should be able to communicate to others in
emergency, but SIS school rules do not allow us to use cell phones anywhere in
campus at any time during school under any circumstances.
Let’s say that a volleyball
practice was canceled due to some reasons and students were informed on the day
of the practice. How can students inform their parents of this when they are
not allowed to call their parents through cell phone? Students can call right
after school, and it wouldn’t be a problem if the student lived close to SIS.
What if student lived in Capital Hill or even farther, Marpi? It takes about 30
minutes to get to SIS. Time is precious, and especially for juniors and
seniors, 30 minutes of time worth a lot.

When I
used to go to Saipan Southern High School, teachers allowed cell phone uses.
Many students took advantage of this toleration and used it for different
purposes like texting and playing games. Some teachers did not even care if their students were using cell phone
for other purposes and ignored this fact. Many did not report to the office for
consequences, so many students were not penalizing for breaking school rules.
Some students became experts in hiding their cell phone usages, and their
teachers were oblivious to this fact. However, I think that it should
not be a problem if there is a strict rule to limit their uses and someone who
can supervise their cell phone uses.
If all teachers are informed to reinforce the school regulation that had been
set for a reason, I definitely think that students would not dare to use their
cell phones for entertainment purposes. I also think that teachers who do not
report to the office should be under pressure or be penalized for not following
the school rules. Saipan Southern High School is a public school, so teachers
are more lenient. But SIS is not. They have their school regulations, and
teachers abide by the rule. If teachers see students using their cell phone,
they give them a detention and report to the office right away. So if they set
regulation that allows but limits cell phone usages, it will be a win-win
situation for everyone.
Some may say that students are
irresponsible and are not reliable. We are high school students, and I think
that we are mature enough to handle the responsibility. If some still doubts
about reliability of students, CCTV’s should be installed in every room to keep
track of what the students are doing on their phone. This will not only prevent
misuses of cell phones but also cheating. Students will be under pressure of
CCTV constantly watching them and would not dare to do anything that will
result in punishments.
In addition to limiting the cell
phone uses, the consequences should be made more harsh and severe. Instead of
giving maybe a day of detention, it should be lengthened to ten. Then students
will realize the importance of following school regulations and will try to
avoid breaking them if possible.
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