Tuesday 10 September 2013

Three Things that Will Make my Life Perfect

Almost all people would say that money will make their life perfect, and this is true also for me. When I was young, I always thought that happiness couldn’t be bought with money. Now, I somewhat have a different opinion. Almost everything around of us can be accessed only through money. The society itself has turned materialistic, and money has become more imperative in our life than before. I personally think that happiness can be bought with money. Shopping, traveling, and eating are my three favorite things to do. In order to pursue my hobbies, I need money. I feel joy from shopping. Window shopping does give me pleasure, but actually buying and using the things I bought is what enthralls me. Without money, I cannot enjoy my hobbies. Traveling is the most expensive hobby that I ensue. I can travel to nearby places, but I feel happiness and joy from traveling abroad and contacting the new environment. Eating is another thing. I spend a large portion of my money in eating. Eating is an essential thing in life, but I also eat for pleasure as most of the people do. Without money, I would have not been able to pursue my hobbies, and without my hobbies, my life would be bland, without joy and happiness.
               When I was young, I used to have time to do leisure activities and enjoy my free time. Now, my life is full with academic studies and preparation for the future. Time is running out. There are so many things to do, and I do not have enough time to accomplish everything. I’m not even getting enough sleep. Usually, I used to sleep for 8 to 10 hours, but now, I barely get 6 hours of sleep. Lack of sleep makes me more sensitive and irascible, and I think that more time would definitely solve this problem for me. Without getting enough sleep, I can’t concentrate on my school work. With tons of work load in front of me, I can’t get to sleep. To finish all the works, I often stay up and sleep around midnight. I feel like I’m too much stressed out with school works. Sometimes, I wish that one day was not 24 hours but 30 hours, so I can spend more time relaxing rather than stressing out myself. I know that I’m a junior, and I am aware that high school students and college students are supposed to be bombed with works. But I think that everyone needs a break now and then to refresh their mind. For me, it certainly helps, so I really think that more time would make my life perfect along with money.

               Money and time are the only two things that I need to make my life perfect. But if I had to name the third one, I would say competition. Competition is what actually motivates me to do better. Without competition, I might have never made it this far. I get encouraged from both losing and winning. I try hard to improve when I lose, and I try hard to maintain my position when I win. I think that society is made up of different competitions. It’s just that the competitions take place at different place and has to do with different people. I think that competition is what motivates others too. Many people try to beat others in a game because they have this desire to win. This is the same for me. I have a strong desire to win over others, and this was what kept me going. Without competition, I would have been a couch potato.

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