Perhaps, this is because success
often has to do with money. Many people set their goals as getting promoted to
higher jobs, getting 1st place in a lottery, or getting a job with
good pay. All of these have to do with money, and it is apparent that they can
know when they achieve their goal by looking at the amount of money they
acquired. These goals were generated by society. Materialism that is rampant in
American society caused people to set goals based on money. This is something I
cannot influence since materialism is already too deeply rooted in the society.
However, I can voice out my opinion that this should not continue. Money should
not define success.

Success does not always have to do with being recognized in the
society. Besides money, almost all people set their goals as getting A’s in
class or winning a game so they can be recognized in the society. They want to
be recognized for fame. This also relates to money. Famous people receive more
money, and perhaps this is the reason people want to be recognized.
For me, I will finally be able to say that I succeeded when I achieve
three goals in my life. One is to travel all around the world. Other one is to
try all the desserts out in the world. My last one is to leave legacy in the society
before I die. The legacy I mean is not talking about leaving my name in the
society as a billionaire but as a contributor to a society who helped develop
the society to the right direction. I am not sure if I will be able to succeed,
but I am certain that I will try hard until I achieve these goals.
My definition of success may be the same as others. However, everyone
will define them somewhat differently. No one thinks the same in the world. It’s
a human nature to be different from one another. Everyone is unique, and that’s
what it makes it so hard to succeed. One person may think that he or she
succeeded, but others might say that he or she is not even close to succeeding.
One thing that I can say is to stick with your own definition of success.
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