Sunday 22 September 2013

My Bucket List

               My bucket list is unfinished, but I have a lot. Traveling all around the world is on top of my bucket list. Traveling is one of my favorite things to do, but I didn’t have enough time and money to travel to many places. I have only been to Korea, Saipan, Guam, and London. My first goal is to go on a 2-week or maybe even up to 1-month trip to Europe and go around the countries there. I planned to go to France and Switzerland while I was in London, but I ran out of money and time. In this Europe trip, France and Switzerland would definitely be on the list. Then I would possibly go to Germany and Italy and revisit England. After my trip to London, I always felt nostalgic. I think that it would be nice to visit London once again to refresh my memories and experience new things that I didn’t get to do last time.
               The second thing on my bucket list is to try as many desserts as I can. I am a dessert lover. When I go to a buffet, I only take one plate of main dish and like four to five plates of desserts. This is how much I love and enjoy eating desserts. So far, cream puff, strawberry shortcakes, and cheesecakes are my top three desserts. This bucket list is pretty broad, so I think that I can divide this into categories. The first category would be to try every ice cream flavor. Ice cream just gives me pure joy. I’ve been to Cold Stone Creamery and Baskin Robins several times, but I haven’t tried eating all of them. First, I will try all their flavors and move onto another ice cream company. My next category is cheesecake. This is the main reason I badly wanted to visit Cheesecake Factory. Cheesecakes are absolutely one of my favorites. If I ever get a chance to go there frequently, I think that I would literally go there every day to try all of their flavors. My last category is cake. Cake is my favorite dessert out of all the delicious desserts. The way that they just melt into my mouth when I eat them gives me pleasure.  I am definitely going to seek for new cakes throughout my lifetime, and I will try as much as I can.
               The third thing on my bucket list is to succeed in life and leave legacy in the society that I was part of. I define success as going to a college, getting a job I want, and living a life in my own way. I have been continuously working on this, and I am at the point of graduating high school and entering college. There is only about a year and a half left, and I am working with best of my abilities to achieve the first part of it. I am not sure of what job I want to have or how I am going to leave legacy in this society, but I think that it will come through as I advance through my goal.

               The fourth thing on my bucket list may seem extravagant. I am a shopaholic, and I think that I am materialistic in a way. Someday, I want to own a closet full of clothes that I wanted. I’m not saying that I want a huge closet full of expensive brand-named clothes like Chanel. I just want clothes that are pretty and that are something that I can afford. But in order to do this, I would have to achieve second part of my third thing on my bucket list. These four are my main ones on the bucket list, but I think that I will add things on as time passes.

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